Program C++ Traversal

using namespace std;

struct Node {
char data;
struct Node *left;
struct Node *right;

//Function to visit nodes in Preorder
void Preorder(struct Node *root) {
// base condition for recursion
// if tree/sub-tree is empty, return and exit
if(root == NULL) return;

printf("%c ",root->data); // Print data
Preorder(root->left);     // Visit left subtree
Preorder(root->right);    // Visit right subtree

//Function to visit nodes in Inorder
void Inorder(Node *root) {
if(root == NULL) return;

Inorder(root->left);       //Visit left subtree
printf("%c ",root->data);  //Print data
Inorder(root->right);      // Visit right subtree

//Function to visit nodes in Postorder
void Postorder(Node *root) {
if(root == NULL) return;

Postorder(root->left);    // Visit left subtree
Postorder(root->right);   // Visit right subtree
printf("%c ",root->data); // Print data

// Function to Insert Node in a Binary Search Tree
Node* Insert(Node *root,char data) {
if(root == NULL) {
root = new Node();
root->data = data;
root->left = root->right = NULL;
else if(data <= root->data)
root->left = Insert(root->left,data);
root->right = Insert(root->right,data);
return root;

int main() {
/*Code To Test the logic
  Creating an example tree
   / \
  B   Q
/ \   \
A   C   Z
Node* root = NULL;
root = Insert(root,'M'); root = Insert(root,'B');
root = Insert(root,'Q'); root = Insert(root,'Z');
root = Insert(root,'A'); root = Insert(root,'C');
//Print Nodes in Preorder.
cout<<"Preorder: ";
//Print Nodes in Inorder
cout<<"Inorder: ";
//Print Nodes in Postorder
cout<<"Postorder: ";

Matur Sembah Nuwun


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